How to Beat the Winter Blues

…Or the blues in general for that matter. This past weekend, the winter blues hit me hard. I slept Saturday afternoon away instead of spending time with my family or doing anything else, really. Sunday came along and I didn't want to feel like I was in that rut anymore. So here’s what I did instead to get out of that funk and ways you can, too!

Spend time in the kitchen.

For me, cooking/baking puts me in a good mood. It takes away from whatever I’m feeling because of all of the focus that’s needed. It also brings a sense of accomplishment, and it’s something good to eat; how can you beat that?!

(In case you’re wondering what I made, I made some bread and some pesto! The bread recipe I used was taken from “Homesteading Monthly”; recipe to be shared soon!)

Get some fresh air.

Sunday afternoon I bundled up and went for a long, solo walk. The quiet and the fresh air almost instantly made me feel calmer. It’s proven that fresh air can increase serotonin, which improves your mood. It can be hard in the winter to find the motivation to do it, but I promise it’s worth it!

Write it out.

Writing out how I was really feeling forced me to put it out there. It made me feel that these feelings are real and valid. Writing them out also felt like it was taking them from me and simply put, getting rid of them. It’s also a visual: I see what I’m feeling and can better address it. For those feelings that don’t make sense, still write out what you can. For me, that helps sometimes, too.

This time of year especially it’s important to slow down and prioritize your mental health. These are the few ways I got out of my funk, and I hope they can help you too!

xoxo Syd


Simple Fresh Bread


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