2024 in Review & What’s to Come in 2025

It’s been a MINUTE since I’ve set aside some time to write, let alone think straight. The second half to 2024 was tough, so writing & being present on here was pushed to the back burner. But as I look ahead at what’s to come in 2025, it more looks slightly more promising. Here’s the latest.


Pregnancy: I spent the majority of 2024 pregnant with my second boy, Chase. And let me tell you, this one was a doozey. On top of having a wild-spirited toddler already, I spent 2 out of the 3 trimesters with morning sickness and hypo-tension (low blood pressure). The hypo-tension would cause me to be on the verge of fainting often & have extremely low energy. Pair all of that with summer swelling; let’s just say I was certainly counting down to November.

*Delivery: The weeks leading up to then, my hypo-tension was at its worst & I had a lot of trouble doing basic things. Come day of delivery, I was on the verge of fainting on the operation table (2nd -section, planned) & had to be given countless medications to keep me stable, all causing Chase to be born what’s called ‘stunned.’ He wasn’t crying like he should’ve been, so he was taken & put on oxygen & monitored by a pediatrician while the remainder of the procedure wrapped up. That was the hardest part for me - not having my newborn come right to my chest & not hearing him make any noise caused even more anxiety & more troubles. Finally, the surgery was complete, I was stable, Chase was stable & I finally held my baby.

So far with Chase & Jax:

*The boys have bonded so well already! Sure, Jackson still has some moments - he’s 2! But seeing him as a big brother is the best. He loves his little brother, showing him off & introducing him to everyone - “this is my Chase-y boy!”

*We’re now 6 weeks in & sleep is getting better. We get a few hours straight at night with Chase only waking usually once to feed. He still naps throughout the day, which gives me a chance to get some housework done & spend a little one-on-one time with Jackson, which he definitely needs. Even though right now we’re still trying to find our groove, I’m often cranky & usually un-showered, I love this little life Ry & I have created.


Chickens are coming! It’s the year of the chickens! This spring we’re going to bring home a few chicks & raise them for egg consumption. Our coop & run plans are coming along & as soon as Spring hits, the journey will begin! (Pending our city’s new amendments; what rough timing!)

Hobby Homesteading: Since the plans for chickens have been coming together, I’ve embarked on a Hobby Homesteading journey. Sourdough starter, making soap using goat’s milk as the base, using the Aerogarden for fresh herbs & cooking more meals at home is just scratching the surface of the homesteading journey I want to take. The Pinterest board has been created & it’s now time to start digging into this stage more!

2025’s “Resolutions”

My “resolutions” aren’t really what I’d call resolutions-because that term is so loaded & overrated-and they may seem ambitious, but they’re broken into smaller categories to make them more attainable:

  1. Spend less-

    1. Money

    2. Time doom scrolling

    3. Energy on draining situations & dwelling

  2. Do more-

    1. Outside

    2. Family activities

    3. Cooking

    4. Writing & being on here

    5. Learning (Thanks, MasterClass subscription!)

I’ll be sharing more on Instagram of all my “resolutions”, homesteading journey & chickens on here & Instagram as they happen, so be sure to follow along for the fun!

Bring it on, new year!


How to Beat the Winter Blues


A Summer Soirée