At Home With Amazon!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! It's so good to be back after a busy December: the cold & flu season took over our home, we traveled to the Mid-West for a week to visit family, then it was Christmas & New Years and...well here we are 21 days into the new year!
So far, we've done some rearranging & redecorating. And of course, styling Jackson. With all of that, there has been some serious Amazon shopping happening! So, I'm bringing back an oldie but a goodie: At Home with Amazon! Everything is linked on my LiketoKnow.It!
We rearranged our finished basement space so we could have a 'living room' in front of the fireplace again. This meant we'd need a new entertainment center & obviously some decor! I chose a moose theme because, well, we live in New Hampshire! Plus, the stone fireplace gives off some rustic, mountain/cabin vibes.
Now that the couch is moved into the new living space, Jackson's playroom OPENED UP! Which meant the playroom needed some (more) toys for him! To keep with the woodland theme, I came up with a "Happy Camper" playroom idea, including a campfire set, a comfy chair & even a teepee! His favorite thing to do right now is "play camp"-where we sit by his campfire, roast marshmallows & lay in the teepee - it melts my mama heart that he loves it so much!
Of course, we can't leave out a little wardrobe refresh! Especially with this kiddo growing like CRAZY! He's not even 2 yet & he's already about 1/2 of my height! He'll be tall like his daddy for sure.
Make it stand out
<----- Talk about STYLE! (Where can I get this little guy a modeling contract?!)
*Everything is linked on LiketoKnow.It !*
I hope you love these products as much as I do! If you purchase any of these, be sure to share - I love to see how you incorporate these into your lives!
Happy shopping!